
Clearing My Skin Once and For All

About Me

Clearing My Skin Once and For All

I come from a long line of people who have struggled with their skin, which is why I wasn't surprised to develop painful cystic acne during my teenage years. However, it didn't make the condition any less debilitating, and I really wanted to learn how to overcome the problem. I talked with my parents about taking me to the dermatologist, and they were extremely supportive and kind. The doctor helped me to tackle my skin concerns, and it helped me to improve my confidence a lot. This blog is all about taking the right steps to improve your skin and knowing how to find a great doctor.


How To Take Advantage Of Dermal Fillers

Dermatologists are specialists who help patients with every aspect of skincare and skin health. Many people first visit a dermatologist when seeking help for acne. However, your dermatologist can do more than simply prescribe acne remedies. Dermatologists can also help people who'd like to make more drastic changes to their appearance. Dermal fillers are injectable treatments that can subtly or dramatically alter your looks. Your dermatologist can administer these injections to help you achieve the look you desire. Read More 

How Botox Can Provide A Less Sweaty Summer

Summer is in full swing in the United States, and for some southern states, that means long, hot days which make the body sweat. However, for people who suffer from hyperhidrosis (which is the medical term for excessive sweating), relief can be found using a treatment which is more commonly known for eradicating wrinkles. Here are the facts you need to know about using Botox to give you sweat relief during summer. Read More