
Clearing My Skin Once and For All

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Clearing My Skin Once and For All

I come from a long line of people who have struggled with their skin, which is why I wasn't surprised to develop painful cystic acne during my teenage years. However, it didn't make the condition any less debilitating, and I really wanted to learn how to overcome the problem. I talked with my parents about taking me to the dermatologist, and they were extremely supportive and kind. The doctor helped me to tackle my skin concerns, and it helped me to improve my confidence a lot. This blog is all about taking the right steps to improve your skin and knowing how to find a great doctor.


Why Are You Getting Acne As An Adult? 4 Possible Causes

While some people only experience acne in their teen years, some adults may be dismayed if they develop acne as they get older. Acne is caused by excess skin oil and bacteria. When teens are going through puberty, their oil glands tend to become overactive due to hormonal fluctuations. These overactive oil glands can leave a build-up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria on the skin. While adults can certainly experience acne from hormonal fluctuations — like women getting acne during their periods — there could be other root causes of your acne. Here are four possible causes for your acne.

You Are Using Products That Clog Your Pores

Any product that you use on your skin, such as makeup, sunscreen, lotion, etc., can clog your pores. If you wear makeup, you should look for products which are non-comedogenic, which means that they are less likely to clog your pores and may be gentler if you have sensitive skin. Instead of using creamy foundations, consider using powdery cosmetics or oil-free silicone foundations. If you don't wear makeup but put other products on your face, you may want to ask your dermatologist about which ingredients you should avoid.

You Are Eating the Wrong Foods

While more studies need to be conducted, Harvard Health says that some research shows an association between high-glycemic diets and acne. High-glycemic diets include things like pasta, white bread, soda, and sugar. While more research needs to be conducted on cause and effect, high-glycemic diets tend to be linked to inflammatory responses. Sugary diets can cause your body to produce more sebum, an oily substance in your skin, which could lead to more acne. Cutting out certain foods and incorporating more veggies and fruits in your diet could improve your skin.

Your Stress Levels Are Too High

Stress is a normal part of life, but if you are constantly stressed out, your skin and overall health can be affected. One study found that psychological stress could trigger or worsen acne by delaying wound healing processes and overstimulating sebaceous glands. You may want to look into counseling or therapies like massage, meditation, etc., to help you get your stress levels under control.

You Aren't Cleaning Your Phone Enough

Cell phones can carry 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat; and, when your phone is pressed against your face for long periods of time, it can lead to irritation and pore blockage. If you notice that you are only getting acne on one side of your face, your phone may be the culprit. Be sure to use disinfecting wipes on your phone or try to use a headset or the speaker option so you don't have to press your phone to your skin.

These are just a few possible reasons why you are developing acne. However, it's important to visit your dermatologist to get to the root of the problem. While mild acne may clear up, deep cystic acne may not go away on its own and may require antibiotics or corticosteroids. Contact a local dermatology clinic for more details.